2014-05-01 07:41:11

, and hinted to what it called as a long process of forming a government ; but believed that he remains the " luckiest " candidate to form a coalition government in " the end of " eventually .


Voting in the Iraqi elections has ended yesterday , it is expected that its results refer that any of the political blocs will not get the majority to enable it to form a government on its own.

" Iraqis have nervously cast ballots in a national election seen as a referendum on security issues that could have widespread ramifications for the unity of the region, However a more tangible test of the ballot's success will occur in the coming weeks, or maybe even months, as leaders embark on a protracted process of assembling a government from divided political blocs.,” The newspaper said in special analyzing to Iraqi elections briefed by " Shafaq News “.

It added that "the current Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki who is seeking a third term as prime minister , remains the most lucky candidate for the formation of a coalition government in the end ," adding " it is very unlikely for him to win a majority of seats ."

The newspaper pointed out that " what is important is the success of al-Maliki in forming a coalition could unite the disparate parties and create a state of political stability in Iraq and the scenario of 2010 will not be repeated, where forming a government took a period of 9 months of haggling which made the country reach a complete standstill ."