2014-02-13 11:46:39

and the party of Iraqi President , Jalal Talabani from the blacklist of terrorism .

The newspaper said in a report briefed by “Shafaq News" that Barzani refused to meet Obama on the condition to remove the two main political parties in the country (PUK and KDP) from the blacklist of terrorism .

According to the Guardian, Falah Mustafa , head of the foreign relations department in Kurdistan Regional Government has informed the U.S. Embassy in Erbil that the United States should change the classification of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and remove their names from the terrorism list.

It pointed out that the two parties have classified the parties within the terrorism list since 2001 , and that’s why Barzani did not go to the trip of the United States, which was scheduled in 27 of last January last.

Later, officials in Congress and U.S. State of the Department have discussed this file and said that the Kurds name has been included on the blacklist of America by " mistake " , stressing that ( the Kurds ) are against "terrorism" and support peace and stability.