2013-12-26 10:10:26

, which is the first of its kind since it was founded in 2008 and will last for two days.

The conference was held under the slogan (towards national institutions and the Government of citizenship).

The representatives of the Kurdish parties or representatives of consulates and diplomatic missions in the region have not been invited to the opening session of the conference.

KNN Foundation transferred the opening session of the conference directly and did not allow reporters, media representatives and photographers from entering the conference hall .

The conference began with a speech by the Coordinator -General of the Movement , Mustafa Nushirwan in which he focused on internal and external political policy of the movement.

Nushirwan Mustafa was a senior leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan led by President Jalal Talabani, before splitting from it and establishing Change movement ahead of parliamentary elections in 2009 .

Mustafa said that the internal situation in Kurdistan has passed to many crisis, including loss of equity in the distribution of positions , money , services , corruption , misuse of power and monopoly of the country's economy , the private sector and make a difference among citizens on the basis of social, economic and political affiliationstatus.

He also stressed that " the past period witnessed the suppression of some objecting people and planned assassination in different regions of Kurdistan and the assassination of journalists with dissenting views as well as many other events that threaten the security of citizens , which led to the citizen to lose confidence in the authority".


Mustafa gave solutions to solve the internal situation in the region and said that “ this situation needs a solution to build a region by linking the freedoms and liberties of civilized people through the stability of national institutions in the region and clean it from partisanship , personal and separation of powers and protect the independence of courts and consolidate decentralized management ."

He also ensures the transfer of power in a formal way and cut the road in front of political or economic monopoly and benefit from the natural resources and encourage investments by foreign companies that operate in oil , gas, energy, trade and banks field and in a transparent manner and taking into account the rights of future generations in wealth , land and water. "

Nushirwan Mustafa that change supports common struggle of all political forces in Kurdistan to open a new page and re- establish authorities again in a democratic and equitable way to form the citizen government not the power government.

He also stressed that his movement is fighting for the independence of Kurdistan and said " change movement in South Kurdistan represents a large segment of Kurdistan’s’ people, which was signed by international laws within Iraq.


Change movement has been ranked the second in the parliamentary elections that took place last September with 24 seats after Kurdistan Democratic Party led by President of Kurdistan Region , Massoud Barzani, who won 38 seats out of 111 .

A delegation headed by Nechirvan Barzani nominated by Kurdistan Democratic Party has conducted negotiations to form a consensus government with broad base.