2014-04-08 07:00:43
to take " maximum measures " against the candidate , Mishaan al-Jubouri on the background of his statements against the Kurds .

Mishan al-Jubouri said that the candidate for the legislative elections and former MP , said that he would seek to " free " Iraq , which he described as Kurdish occupation.

Iraq’s judiciary condemned Jubouri on charges of embezzlement of state funds after lifting his parliamentary immunity and cancelling his membership then he fled to Syria and from there ran a television channel was inciting to fight U.S. forces and their allies and promoting for militant Islamists.

Reports indicate the existence of an international arrest warrant issued by the International Police, " Interpol " against him on charges of several issues by the Iraqi government during the previous years .

However, he returned to the country and said that the judiciary exonerated him of all cases filed against him in an evolution saw by some as being done under political compromises in which Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki was one of its parties and expanded the charges directed to the judiciary of succumbing to the executive authority.

Amin said in an interview reported for " Shafaq News “, that " Mishan al-Jubouri was loitering on the doors of officials in Kurdistan region when he was expelled from Baghdad , and today he began his campaign with racist and provocative speech against the Kurds and Kurdistan region “.

He added that " Mishan’s statements which is considered a racial and inflammatory speech and also a public call to break up the unity of Iraq , in violation of Articles I and VII of the constitution and the laws and instructions of IHEC .

He explained that " IHEC claimed today to take maximum legal action against Mishan al-Jubouri , and if there is a candidate who must be expelled from the elections , it must be this person and his alliance ."