2013-12-31 11:40:54

A statement of the clerics received by “Shafaq News" , added that " We warn from infiltrators to enter the ranks of rebels to target the local police in order to destabilized security in the city”.

“We call on everyone to unite and repel those infiltrators and stand with our sons from the local police to protect Fallujah and Anbar, so there is no excuse for the government and its army to storm Fallujah,” the statements added.

The Iraqi army carried out a military operation in Anbar , after a military commander was killed in an ambush , adopted by al-Qaeda.

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense , it has implemented this operation to hunt down al-Qaeda , which began operating in the province, " and take the sit – in squares as a haven for it."

However, the local officials , tribal leaders and clerics in Anbar say that this process is to end the sit-in squares presented since more than a year .

The events in Anbar have escalated after the arrest of an MP of al- Iraqiya List , Ahmed al-Alwani , and the resignation of MPs from Motahedoun list under the leadership of Osama al-Nujaifi , and the National Dialogue Front led by Saleh al-Mutlaq .