2020-06-27 19:02:33

Shafaq news/ The US-led coalition denied, on Saturday, allegations about its involvement in the raid on "Kata'ib Hezbollah" headquarters, south of Baghdad.

"There are rumors that U.S. forces were involved, with the counter-terrorist forces, in arresting members of Kata'ib Hezbollah, in the time that only the Iraqi government makes the decisions". Colonel Myles, spokesman for the international coalition forces in Iraq, told The Shafaq news agency.

Anonymous accounts shared, on Saturday, a fake link to KUNA, that includes a false statements attributed to US ambassador to Kuwait, Alina Romanowski, in which she revealed the participation of the international coalition forces in the operation against the Iraqi military faction.

The Iraqi government's move against Kata'ib Hezbollah came in response to the repeated bomb attacks to the vicinity of U.S. embassy in Baghdad and military positions hosting U.S. troops, across the country in recent weeks.