2019-10-27 09:15:08

Shafaq News/A number of colleges and schools joined the protests that swept the cities of central and southern Iraq.

Hundreds of students from Baghdad and Mustansiriya University, as well as secondary schools, went out in Baghdad to protest against the wave of violence against demonstrators.

The students called to stop violence used against the demonstrators, to end rampant corruption in state institutions, and to eliminate unemployment.

The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights said on Saturday that the death toll among the demonstrators for the second day in a row has reached more than 60 dead and nearly 3000 wounded in the bloody protests in Baghdad.

IHCHR said in a statement that the death toll rose to an average of 63 killed  as follows: Baghdad capital (10) killed, Maysan province (14) killed, Dhi Qar (15) killed, Basra (7) killed, Muthanna one killed, Diwaniya province (12 ) killed, and the province of Babylon (4) killed.

The statement pointed to the burning and damage (83) government buildings and party headquarters in the provinces of Diwaniya, Maysan, Wasit, Dhi Qar, Basra, Muthanna, Babylon and Karbala.