2020-02-04 12:16:19

Shafaq News / Salah al-Din Criminal Court issued a death sentence against a convict who participated in kidnapping and mass execution of 13 people in al-Alam district.

The Information center of the Supreme Judicial Council in Salah al-Din said that "a convict confessed his affiliation to the terrorist organization ISIS and participating in several criminal operations, including the incident of al-Alam attack in 2014 and that his group kidnapped 13 people, most of them in the security services."

He added that "the kidnapped people were subsequently executed in Al-Fateh area of ​​al- Baiji area and were published on social media."

The reporter added that "the court found that the evidence was sufficient to convict the accused and ruled a death sentence by hanging to death against him in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005."