2020-03-22 11:51:46

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Health has announced 3 deaths from   Corona virus in the country, with a high number of infections.

A statement by the Ministry, reported to Shafaq News, stated that "The Ministry of Health and Environment laboratories have conducted 106 new   tests and the results showed confirmation of the diagnosis of 19 new cases, 5 of which are in Rusafa, two cases in Karkh, two cases in Medical City, and one case in each of Najaf, Karbala, Muthanna and Erbil, in addition to 6 cases in Sulaymaniyah.

The statement pointed out, "3 deaths were recorded in Baghdad and 5 new cases of recovery were recorded in Baghdad / Al-Karkh."

The ministry pointed out that "the total number of infections rose to 233 cases, 20 deaths, while the total number of recovery cases reached 57 cases."

The Ministry of Health stressed that "the decisions of the ministry and the office committee Order No. 55 of 2020 should be implemented in full and calls on all citizens and all concerned parties to abide by, and stressed that legal measures should be taken against violators."