2020-07-07 18:02:40

Shafaq News / The Commissioner of Al-Dujayl district, Saladin Abdel Aziz Fazaa, that more than 100 patients who tested positive for Covid-19 are quarrying themselves in their homes over "fear" of going to the hospital.

Fazaa told Shafaq News agency, that the district administration has opened a 30-beds quarantine center. However, there is only one patient, because patients are reluctant to present over fear of complications.

He added that Al-Dujayl Center for Quarantine is equipped with all medical supplies and qualified to receive the cases, warning of an escalation in the infection rate in the district due to non-compliance to the measures issued to limit the spread of the virus.

The district of Al-Dujayl is affiliated to Saladin Governorate in central Iraq and it population is estimated by 104,000, according to 2014 estimates.