2020-07-04 15:26:41

Shafaq News / Iraq registered, on Tuesday, 2334 new cases and 106 fatalities of Covid-19, as well as 1477 recoveries in the past 24 hours.

The Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment said in a statement that, 9516 tests were performed today, so the total number of tests is 589377.

The newly diagnosed cases were distributed as follows:

Baghdad / Al-Rusafa 357, Baghdad / Al-Karkh 393, Medical City 44, Najaf 247, Al-Sulaymaniyah 143, Erbil 39, Duhok 5,  Karbala 114, Kirkuk 61, Diyala 28, Wasit 221, Babel 78, Basra 110, Maysan 105, Al-Diwaniyah 127, Dhi Qar 132, Al-Anbar 7, Saladin 78, Muthanna 25.

The statement indicated that the cases of recovery amounted to 1477 cases, distributed as follows:

Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa 339, Baghdad/ Al-Karkh 418, Najaf 64, Al-Sulaymaniyah 47, Erbil 41, Kirkuk 27, Karbala 35, Diyala 37, Basra 46, Maysan 53, Babel 20, Dhi Qar 182, Al-Diwaniyah 12, Muthanna 24, Nineveh 32.

While 106 mortality cases were registered, as follows:

Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa 14, Baghdad/ Al-Karkh 11, Medical City 5, Najaf 4, Al-Sulaymaniyah 8, Karbala 2, Kirkuk 7, Diyala 3, Wasit 4, Basra 10, Maysan 3, Babel 1, Al-Diwaniyah 7, Dhi Qar 22, Muthanna 1, and Saladin 4.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, the total number of:

  • Confirmed cases: 58354.
  • Recoveries 31077 .
  • Inpatients: 24909, which 333 admitted to ICU.
  • Fatalities: 2368.