2020-06-23 18:28:24

Shafaq News / A medical source revealed, on Tuesday, that 13 Covid-19 fatalities were registered in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate in the past 24 hours, while an official source in Al-Sulaymaniyah declared that four patients passed away from the complications of the virus.

The Iraqi Ministry of Health announced yesterday, Monday, the registration of 67 fatalities and 1808 new cases of Covid-19 within 24 hours. In the same context, the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan Regional Government announced, on Monday, that 299 patient tested positive for Covid-19, while 8 patients passed away from the virus.

It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced, on Tuesday, four healthcare personnel passed away were lost in the battle against the virus, while pursuing their duties.