2020-07-18 14:44:29

Shafaq News / Iraq registered, on Tuesday, 2049 new cases and of Covid-19, as well as about 1900 recoveries in the past 24 hours.
The Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment said in a statement that, tests were performed today, so the total number of tests is 15229, in which the total performed test is 777287.
The newly recovery cases were distributed as follows:
Baghdad / Al-Rusafa 222, Baghdad / Al-Karkh 298, Medical City 179, Najaf 43, Al-Sulaymaniyah 33, Erbil 42, Duhok 12, Karbala 92, Kirkuk 94, Diyala 91, Wasit 96, Babel 167, Basra 206, Maysan 102, Al-Diwaniyah 97, Dhi Qar 140, Al-Anbar 6, Saladin 17, Muthanna 42, and Nineveh 18.

The statement indicated that the cases that are diagnosed amounted to 2049 cases, distributed as follows:
Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa 263, Baghdad/ Al-Karkh 144, Medica city 36, Najaf 89, Al-Sulaymaniyah 108, Erbil 72, Duhok 8, Kirkuk 176, Karbala 137, Diyala 99, Wasit 167, Basra 164, Maysan 42, Babel 250, Dhi Qar 56, Al-Diwaniyah 68, Al-Anbar 16, Muthanna 66, Nineveh 30, and Saladin 58.

While 75 mortality cases were registered, as follows:
Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa 13, Baghdad/ Al-Karkh 4, Medical city 2, Najaf 1, Al-Sulaymaniyah 9, Erbil 1, Karbala 3, Kirkuk 8, Diyala 1, Basra 10, Maysan 5, Babel 4, Dhi Qar 8, Nineveh 2, Muthanna 2, and Saladin 2.

Since the beginning of the outbreak, the total number of:
Confirmed cases: 90220.
Recoveries 58492 (64.8% of the cases).
Inpatients: 28037, which 379 admitted to ICU.
Fatalities: 3691.