2020-06-25 17:08:57

Shafaq News / A medical source in Saladin Governorate, revealed today, Thursday, that the local authorities have closed the Al-Duloiya district, southern the province, over fear from the spread of Covid-19.

The source told Shafaq News agency, that the governorate hospitals registered 32 cases, 20 of which were located in Al-Duloiya district, six in Balad district, three in Sharqat district and two in Samarra district.

The source said that some cases are not revealed yet, as some suspected cases refuse the quarantine; in addition to the poor resources of the healthcare facilities.

The Judicial Department in Duloiya announced a complete lockdown in the district and blocked the roads with concrete barriers.

A local source in the judiciary told Shafaq News agency, that the Duloiya district is completely closed amid a comprehensive curfew to limit the spread and reduce the infection rates, calling on the province to support the judiciary to cordon off the epidemic.