2020-07-16 12:54:00

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Ministry of Interior reported, on Thursday, a jump of domestic violence cases during the past 6 months, in coincidence with the curfew and quarantine measures issued to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

"More than 1,300 domestic violence cases were registered by the Ministry of Interior during the past six months", said the director of the media department of the ministry, Major General Saad Maan in a statement received to Shafaq News agency, explaining that, "611 complaints were filed in Baghdad and other provinces".

The ministry, according to Maan, issued 376 arrest warrants, indicating that cases of violence against wives reached 3637 cases, while against husbands were 453.

Maan continued, "The inter-sibling violence cases registered were 402. The count of parents' abuse amounted to 183, while the child abuse cases were 617", adding that, "43 citizens were charged and 345 were released, noting that 374 cases are under investigation".