2020-06-21 17:36:14

Shafaq News/ The Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee announced, on Sunday, that it will submit its observations on Covid-19 situation to the Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

The committee, in a statement received by Shafaq News agency, expressed its, "great concern about the trajectory of the pandemic, and the accelerating infection and fatality rates in a manner that overwhelms the capacity of the Ministry of Health in terms of logistics, finance and human resources".

The statement added that the ministry has, "a list of observations that addresses the causes of deterioration in the pandemic control, that it will present to the Prime Minister".

The committee urged the Iraqis to, "support the efforts of the ministry and healthcare institutes in their battle against the pandemic".

Covid-19 infection and fatality rates have increased drastically throughout Iraq in the recent few days; with the total case-count rising to 29222 and the total death-count to 1013. 13111 patients have achieved full recovery till the date, while 14998 patients are still receiving treatment in healthcare facilities, 247 among which are in the ICU, according to the latest updates by the Ministry of Health.