2020-07-02 13:54:52

Shafaq News/ Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee Abbas Srout, said that Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, was not hosted and questioned about the government's attitude from the Turkish violations, due to the repercussions of the recently aggravated Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

Srout told Shafaq news agency that the irregularities in the schedule of the committee precluded hosting the PM in a session that clarifies the position of the government from the Turkish operations in Kurdistan region and the actions it took in this regard.

In this context, Srout denied that the committee neglects the violations of the Turkish forces, or any other party, to the Iraqi sovereignty.

Turkey insists on violating Iraqi sovereignty and even escalating its interference, despite criticism from Iraqi officials in Ankara and the urgent call to stop its military operations in the Kurdistan region.

Turkey announced earlier deploying special forces in the region as a part of the military operation against PKK rebels, as well as air and artillery support.

Ankara ignores the criticism of the Iraqi administration and insists on carrying out military operations against the Kurds. Turkey, under this pretext, continues to interfere in the internal affairs of its neighbors, similar to what happened in northern Syria.