2020-07-02 15:17:49

Shafaq new/ The World Health Organization (WHO) announced, Thursday, that it provided Iraq with 300 oxygen device.

The WHO representative in Iraq, Adham Ismail, told Shafaq News Agency that, "the organization allocated a shipment of medical aids to Iraq from the organization's warehouses in Dubai, UAE". He clarified that, "the shipment is 300 oxygen devices that will be distributed to the governmental hospitals in cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Health".

He added that, "the UAE government allocated a plane to transfer the cargo from the World Health Organization stores in Dubai to Baghdad International Airport". He indicated that, "the World Health Organization is keen on cooperation and supporting the Iraqi government in fighting the pandemic".

The official in charge of UAE embassy in Baghdad, Mohammad Saleh Al-Taniji, declared Thursday, that UAE sent today an aid plane containing 10.5 tons of medical supplies and testing kits to the Iraq.