2020-05-31 08:32:27

Shafaq News / The Director General of Falcon Cell Intelligence and Anti-Terrorism in the Ministry of Interior revealed on Sunday, foiling a dangerous "terrorist" plot that was intended to be implemented by the Islamic State "ISIS" organization in several provinces and Kurdistan Region, noting that the plan was revealed after a sleeper terrorist cell was arrested on Basra and the arrest of two "terrorists" responsible for restoring contact and movement to the remains and escapees of the group from the liberated provinces.

"The terrorists who were arrested have terrorist cases against them as they participated in terrorist operations against the armed forces, Peshmerga and the Popular Mobilization Forces, as well as placing checkpoints, collecting royalties and arresting and torturing citizens during the control of ISIS in the areas occupied by the gang in 2014 in Nineveh, Ramadi, and Salahuddon , “Abu Ali Al-Basri said in a statement detailing the intelligence process seen by Shafaq News Agency.

He added, “In implementation of the directives of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and the follow-up of the Minister of the Interior, Lieutenant-General Othman Al-Ghanmi, the Falcon Intelligence Cell and Anti-Terrorism Directorate at the Ministry of Interior were able to carry out operations that resulted in thwarting a number of terrorist operations recently targeting the capital Baghdad , all the provinces and Kurdistan. "

ISIS leaders

"Many terrorists were killed and a large number of sleeper cells were broken up, in addition to detonating piles of weapons," noting to "the importance of great support from senior leaders and coordination with all security agencies and with joint military operations in the success of the preemptive intelligence work against ISIS and organized crime to ensure security and social stability, to fight sectarian schemes, and to undermine security and the national economy,” Al-Basri added.

The leader of the Falcon Intelligence cell in the Ministry of the Interior indicated that "the new terrorist leaders of ISIS that emerged after the murder of the terrorist criminal Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria; sought to restore contact with their members and those hiding in the areas that were under their control in 2014 until the liberation of 2018,in an attempts to frantically seek to establish the existence of terrorist gangs in Iraqi cities and governorates after their defeat , the killing of their leaders and the dispersal of their elements outside Iraq, "explaining that" ISIS has escalated attempts to carry out terrorist operations in the recent days. "

" Falcon Intelligence Cell has a wide and accurate database on the terrorists in ISIS terrorist gangs , other gangs and their movements inside and outside the country," noting that "the cell has provided and continues to provide foreign governments with accurate information  in the countries targeted by ISIS terrorist groups.

"We have saved many innocent people and cities from destruction and bloodshed by thwarting dozens of terrorist operations in Asian, Arab and European cities," he added.

Terrorist statement

In a related context, the terrorist Shihab Raed Abdul Latif Al-Tamimi, who was arrested by the Falcon Cell from Basra Governorate (Zubair District), said that he “met the terrorist Yasser Al-Khaldi (resident of Abu Al-Khaseeb) recently to discuss matters of terrorist gangs in Basra”, noting that "The terrorist Yasser belonged to ISIS, and they pledged allegiance to the terrorist Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi shortly after the occupation of Mosul."

He says “He was born in 1995, and his family moved from his hometown in Al- Zubair district at the end of 2004 to Ramadi for a short period, then moved to Salahuddon Governorate for a short period, to settle in Nineveh Governorate in Nabi Younis region revealing that his terrorist father, Raed Abd al-Latif al-Tamimi, was a member of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda in the so-called southern state, and he admitted that his father “exploited him during his childhood along with his brother while he was carrying out terrorist operations.” He said that “He remembers how his father was transporting weapons and explosives.” And distribute them in several areas in Nineveh governorate, while his sons sit on the car to camouflage and win the sympathy of the security forces in those areas that ISIS subsequently occupied, as well as assigning them to check some people and places that they plan to target with terrorist acts.

According to Falcon Intelligence Cell, the father of the criminal Shihab al-Tamimi, nicknamed "Abu Sayyaf", was executed in 2009 for his membership in the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda after his responsibility in carrying out terrorist acts in Nineveh, Salahuddin, Baghdad, Anbar and Basra, including bombing the police academy in Basra in mid-2004 which killed many innocent police men and civilians.

The terrorist Shihab Raed al-Tamimi adds, “his terrorist brother, Abd al-Latif Raed al-Tamimi, born in 1965 Basra, belonged to ISIS in 2014, after its occupation of Nineveh Governorate.” He was “recruited into the forest camp in Nineveh to train in the armor resistance class and graduated after ten days.” He joined a terrorist group centered around the administrative boundaries of Nineveh to counter the progress of the armed forces during the liberation operations, as well as in strengthening support for terrorist operations carried out inside the occupied cities, as well as the bombing of places of worship and holy shrines.

He said that he fled with his family and children to his hometown in Basra after the liberation of Nineveh Governorate, to settle in al-Zubair district, and pointed out that the family of his terrorist brother Abd al-Latif, who knew nothing about his fate - as he claimed - settled in Nineveh province so far.

At the end of his statement, the leader of Falcon Intelligence Cell in the Ministry of Interior noted that "the meeting with the terrorist Yasser Khalidi will be published later as well as hidden and exciting information about the plans of ISIS gangs and its attempt to return to media and crimes in various governorates."