2020-06-29 10:22:32

Shafaq News / Dhi Qar MP, Kata'a al-Rikabi, held the Iraqi government the responsibility of the oxygen supplements crisis in the province.

Al-Rikabi told Shafaq News agency that, "Unfortunately, the government is turning a blind eye to what is happening in Nasiriyah, where 500 citizens contracted the virus, 10 among which died”, noting that, "the Minister of Health did not visit the province".

Al-Rikabi also revealed that Dhi Qar MPs asked, 25 days ago, to meet the prime minister, but the latter “ignored the request".

For his part, the ministry’s spokesman, Saif Al-Badr, said that “In Dhi Qar, the caseload overwhelmed the capacity of the hospital".

Al-Badr accused the Ministry of Industry and minerals for being slow in processing oxygen, indicating that, "Oxygen supplements produced are not produced in the appropriate quantity and quality".

It is noteworthy that the Director General of Dhi Qar Health department, Abdul Hussain Al Jabri, indicated previously, in an interview with Shafaq News agency that, "the Ministry did not provide any support to the department. Dhi Qar Health Department is facing the virus with self-support".