2020-06-26 08:23:20

Shafaq News/ A security source told Shafaq News agency, that anti-terrorist forces raided, on midnight, a Hizbollah missiles factory, in southern Baghdad, and arrested 13 of its members.
Reuters quoted a government official saying that one of the detainees was Iranian.
Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi ‘s statements about the arrest were contradicted; a resource said, “those arrested were transferred to PMF areas”, while another denied the occurrence of any arrest.
For his side, the spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq denied rumors about receiving the detainees.
These updates come after missile attacks near the US embassy in Baghdad and other US military sites occurred last weeks.
Tensions between Washington and Tehran flared up particularly in Iraq for at least a year, and turned into a regional conflict in January after the United States assassinated Iran's military mastermind, Qassem Sulaimani, and one of Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi leaders, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis. With their support despite the controversy to take al-Kadhimi as prime minister in May.