2020-07-21 09:54:53

Shafaq News / Diyala's MP Ahmad Mazhar al-Jubouri suggested, on Wednesday, that law enforcement on border crossings of the province with Iran would secure 80% of the state's financial revenues.

Al-Jubouri told Shafaq News, "Parties, mafias and corruption control the border crossings, including in Diyala's Al-Munthiriya and Mandali crossing. The financial revenues of the crossings go straight to the pockets of the corrupt."

He added, "imposing law and state authority and the deployment of security forces at the border crossings in Diyala province with Iran will secure 80% of the monthly revenues to the state treasury."

"The revenues of the crossings can be an alternative to oil in the public budget, if applied correctly with taking appropriate measures to confront corruption.", he explained.

The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced its support for the government's intention to deploy military forces to control the border crossings and indicated that the state can achieve revenues of one billion dollars a month from them, equivalent to about 10 percent of the country's total revenue if corruption and mismanagement are contained.

The Iraqi government, headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, has deployed the army forces at border points in Basra and Diyala provinces, to contain widespread corruption at them.