2019-12-21 08:43:36

Shafaq News / A deputy in the Iraqi parliament said on Saturday, that 48 people have applied to Iraqi President Barham Salih to compete for the position of head of the new government.

MP Abbas Al-Atafi told the government newspaper, Al-Sabah, that "the resigned government will continue to conduct the work of the executive and other ministries until a person is appointed as the next prime minister."

He revealed that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, "has received applications from 48 candidates for the position and there is no agreement on any of these personalities so far."

He added, "Some candidates submitted personal requests, while others were nominated by the parties, including those who were put forward by the blocks inside the demonstration squares."

Al-Atafi stressed the need for "the next prime minister to be an independent, new, young person who does not compliment anyone, brave and impartial, who has experience in field work and is present in Iraq and does not have another nationality."

He pointed out that "the current gatherings, which nominate a prime minister, the majority of whom are chosen from those outside Iraq."

The constitutional deadline for Iraqi President, Barham Saleh to nominate a candidate to form the next government ends after Adel Abdul Mahdi’s government resigned over the backdrop of protest demonstrations at midnight on Sunday.

Iraqi sources indicate that the conflict is currently taking place among the political blocs and the People's Front, which is led by the demonstrators to present a candidate to form the new government, and some parties insist on providing the names of personalities who are rejected by the demonstrators who want figures who did not enter the political process previously and have specifications that meet the demands of the people and the demonstrators.