2020-06-12 19:35:58

Shafaq news/ European Union health experts noted, on Friday, that the possibility of a second wave of Covid-19 may require re-imposing general curfew measures in Europe; adding that this possibility ranges from medium to high, as it relies on the gradual lifting of restrictions and the extent of people's compliance to the measures.

An assessment by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), expected a moderate increase in infection rates in the coming weeks, although it indicated that the pandemic is beyond its peak in most European countries.

"The pandemic is not over", Andrea Ammon, director of the center, said in a statement, even if Covid-19 caseload has decreased across Europe, huge efforts are still required to limit the spread of the disease.

Ammon explained that, "It is important to adhere to the preventive measures and maintain high standards of public health. Everyone's contribution is important".

The Stockholm-based Center monitors diseases and public health in the European Union and makes recommendations in this regard.

The assessment carried by ECDC concluded that the measures of strict social distancing, imposed by many governments, limited the transmission of the disease.