2020-06-07 12:58:10

Shafaq News / Faili Kurds segment appealed on Sunday, President of the Republic Barham Salih, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and members of the parliament to be fair with them after the marginalization practiced against them by previous governments and to grant them a Ministry of State that follow their affairs and represents them "in a real approach".

"While Faili Kurds are looking to enable them to participate in politics, they demand  the Iraqi government to fulfill their pledge according to its decision No. 426 of 2010 and the approval of the Iraqi parliament with its decision No. 18 of 2011 according to a legal adaptation based on what the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court approved by its decision dated 11/29/2010, considering what Faili Kurds had suffered as a crime of genocide, crimes against humanity by all standards and their revolutionary role, as well as what they made of great sacrifices defending their Iraqi homeland as an authentic component  similar to the rest components of Iraq. We hope and expect the good of the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to be fair with Failis after many years of deliberate exclusion and marginalization practiced by the previous governments, “a statement of Faili Kurds component, reported to Shafaq News Agency read.

"As we expect good from involving all Iraqi national components in political representation and in the management of state institutions, we do not want a privilege over other components, but rather we call on the members of the parliament and the prime minister in charge of the necessity of equality, justice and fairness; and for the Faili Kurds to have a state ministry that follows their affairs in an effective representation at the political and governmental levels, as they have made great sacrifices with tens of thousands of their finest youth by their courageous response to chauvinistic and racist regimes that successively governed Iraq. "

It is worth noting that the Iraqi Parliament has authorized on Saturday the federal government to create a ministry to be filled by a candidate from the Turkmen component, while voting on the seven vacant portfolios in the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.