2020-05-09 10:56:37

Shafaq News / Hadi Al-Amiri's Parliamentary Alliance bloc on ruled out Saturday resolving voting on the Ministry of Oil and Foreign Ministry portfolios during the current month of Ramadan.

"The political negotiations and dialogues between the parties and the political blocs and Newly –appointed Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi have not ended, until the nominees for the remaining seven ministries in the Iraqi government are named,” The MP of the bloc, Fadel Al-Fatlawi, told Shafaq News.

"Political dialogues and negotiations will resolve the nomination of the candidates to the remaining ministries before the end of Ramadan, but the candidates for the Oil and Foreign Ministries may postpone their resolution until after Eid."

On his part, the MP of Al-Nahj National Bloc , Azad Hamid al-Qarah Lucy, revealed on Saturday, that there was a political consensus to support Mustafa al-Kadhimi's government, explaining that it had eliminated 50% of the party quotas.

  "The Prime Minister and in agreements with the political blocs, chose the ministerial cabinet with standards that differ from previous governments since 2003 until now and included professional technocrats with specialized parliamentary representatives,” Al-Qara Lucy told Shafaq News.

"There is political consensus to support the current government in facing the coming challenges and current conditions in the country," he added.

The Iraqi parliament voted on Thursday dawn to grant confidence in the ministerial curriculum of the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and 15 ministers in the ministerial cabinet.

Five candidates did not win the confidence of Parliament, namely, the candidate of the Ministry of Trade, Nawar Nassif Jassem, Ministry of Agriculture , Ismail Abdel-Redha, Ministry of Culture , Hisham Saleh Dawood, Ministry of Immigration and Displaced ,Thanaa Hikmat Nasser, and Ministry of Justice ,Abdul-Rahman Mustafa.

The Parliament also postponed voting on the candidates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Oil until further notice, due to the lack of agreement to nominate the candidates.