2019-10-07 09:45:25

Shafaq News/ Iraq's national security adviser, Faleh al-Fayyad accused on Monday ,demonstrators of trying to overthrow the Iraqi government headed by Adel Abdul Mahdi, stressing that the authorities will stand firmly in the face of those attempts.

"There are those who wanted to conspire against the stability and unity of Iraq," Fayyad said at a news conference, adding that "we will work to bring down corruption and fight attempts to overthrow the Iraqi state."

He added that "the armed forces are far from any political dispute in Iraq," noting that "there is no room for coup or insurgency and Iraq will not be governed by a certain sect."

Fayyad said that "the lack of reference parties or forces to the demonstrators caused the violence," saying, "We know who was behind the abusers in the demonstrations and there was a plan to target Iraq."

He pointed out that "the investigation will prove who was behind the killings and violence," claiming that "the armed and security forces defend the constitution and the state , and has nothing to do with politics."

"There will be retribution for those who want to do terrible actions in Iraq and the conspirators cannot be tolerated," Fayyad said.

He pointed out that "the Popular Mobilization is ready for every duty assigned by the government," stressing that "we as political forces should  join and support the government and take our responsibilities."

Baghdad and a number of other Shiite-dominated provinces are witnessing bloody demonstrations sparked on Tuesday. According to the latest death toll, more than 100 demonstrators were shot dead by security forces and more than 6,000 wounded.

These demonstrations are considered the most violent since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, where the demands were to improve the living reality and services, the elimination of unemployment and financial and administrative corruption rampant in the departments of the state and its institution, but soon rose to the ceiling to bring down the government and the whole system after bloody clashes.