2019-10-19 09:59:17

Shafaq News/ On his arrival in Najaf, Iranian First Vice President ,Isehaq Jahangiri expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Iraqi religious reference and the government for receiving more than 3 million Iranian visitors.

Jahangiri arrived to the Iraqi province of Najaf on Saturday to participate in al-Arabeinya visit, where he was received by the Governor of Najaf, Louay al-Yasiri and the head of the Iranian representative in Iraq.

He stressed that "the reception of Iraq to this number of visitors, despite some deficiencies in infrastructure which is not easy, and that the Iranian government and people thank the Iraqi people and their government for the hospitality."

He stressed that "the Iranian government will spare no effort in addressing the problems and constraints that prevent the holding of al-Arbaeinya ceremony," noting that "there may be some shortcomings, but the level of service is becoming better year after year."