2014-06-11 11:59:24

by "Daash", describing it as "the revolution of the oppressed."

Hashemi said in a statement seen by "Shafaq News", that "a person would be patient on impertinent  for some time but will not be patient all the time   , so I bless the revolution of the oppressed , downtrodden and marginalized people in Mosul”.

Mosul city has fall last Tuesday, at the hands of hundreds of militants within hours despite the presence of thousands of military personnel in a repeated scenario as done previously in Ramadi , Fallujah , Hawija and Sulaiman Bek.

Moqtada al-Sadr , the leader of the Sadrist Movement called on Wednesday, to form of what he called as al-Salam Bridget to defend the "holy places."


A senior military commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard revealed that the General leadership of these forces announced general alert within the ranks because of serious security developments taking place in Iraq after the fall of Mosul, Iraq's second city after Baghdad by gunmen organization Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant "Daash."