2020-07-11 12:56:04

Shafaq News / A source in Al-Hashd said, on Saturday, that an ISIS member killed and a site destroyed within the borders of Khanaqin district, 105 km northeast of Baqubah, as part of the fourth phase of “Heroes of Iraq” Operations.

Saying that “Brigade 23 in Diyala destroyed an ISIS set and kill a terrorist after seizing its weapon near the Diyala River in the Khanaqin district”

 Another source told Shafaq News agency that "a device exploded in ​​Narin Bridge within the Diyala operations sector, which resulted in 3 deaths and 2 injuries from Brigade 16 of Al-Hashd”.

Earlier, The Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Al-Kadhimi arrived at the Joint Operations headquarters to launch the fourth Phase of the “Heroes of Iraq” operation to eliminate ISIS and impose security and stability in Diyala governorate, and the common borders with Iran.