2014-02-23 12:07:15

, Haider Mulla to talk about the reality of human rights in front of the European parliament, adding that the MPs have announced their withdrawal from the parliament .

Shubar wondered in an interview with " Shafaq News " , "How MPs Salim al- Jobouri and Haidar al-Mulla represent the Human Rights commission in the parliament and talk about the reality of human rights in front of the European parliament and they are already withdrew from the parliament formally ? "

He explained that " Human Rights Committee did not meet or was informed on what the MPs have talked about in front of the European parliament" , adding that " they don’t represent the position of the committee."

The head of the parliamentary human rights committee , Salim al- Jobouri and MP Haidar al-Mulla both withdrew from the parliament and delivered a speech in the European parliament on Friday and criticized the human rights situation in Iraq.

Iraqi government criticizes the position of some politicians who are attacking the security forces and defending terrorism indirectly , while forget the victims of the operations carried out by armed groups " Daash " and al-Qaeda in Iraq .