2020-06-10 09:53:26

Shafaq News / Hundreds of employees working on daily wages in the state departments of Basra Governorate organized on Wednesday, large demonstrations demanding to have permanent contracts with the government and receive their late wages.

 “The employees demonstrated in front of the headquarters of the General Company for Iraqi Ports demanding the federal and local governments to pay their late salaries delayed for months, while some of them demonstrated in front of the local Basra government building in Al-Maqal area , “ Shafaq News Agency reporter in Basra said.

For his part, the protester, Fadel Ali, told Shafaq News, "The protesters will continue their protests until their late salaries are paid by the local government," noting that” Basra governor promised to pay salaries after the holiday, but we didn’t receive anything for the past 6 months."

Basra governor had announced in press statements that the funds are available, but they need approval from the Ministry of Finance, while he announced yesterday that he had obtained approvals from Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi during his meeting with the latter to pay the dues to daily wages -workers in state departments.