2019-10-29 10:35:13

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) announced on Tuesday that at least one protester was killed and more than 140 security forces were injured in the demonstrations in Karbala province.

IHCHR said in a statement that it "has monitored through its observation teams yesterday the events that took place in Karbala province and indicated the killing of one (1) and wounding (142) security forces and (50) demonstrators."

The statement pointed out that "the security forces launched a campaign of arrests, where the number of detainees reached (140) detainees (80) of them have been released and the rest (60) detainees will be brought before the judiciary to determine their fate today."

The Federal Supreme Court ruled unconstitutionality of a clause that contradicts the independence of the judiciary and public freedoms, stressing that the arrest of persons is exclusively conducted by a decision of the judges of the federal judiciary.

In its statement, the commission called on "not to use all kinds of excessive force , to apply the criteria of security engagement and condemns the fact that some defectors have changed the course of peaceful demonstrations."

The Commission called on "all parties to use the utmost restraint and resort to the means of reason and maintain the peacefulness of the demonstrations. It also calls on security forces in Karbala province and local authorities in cooperation with the demonstrators to preserve public , private property , protect the demonstrators , strengthen their peaceful gatherings and not arrest anyone without warrants. "