2014-05-26 09:11:42
, noting that the judiciary will respond to appeals .

The Vice- President of IHEC, Katee al- Zobaie told “Shafaq News ", that "The last day for receipt of appeals of election results will be next Thursday, ", adding that "IHEC is working to convert all appeals to the judiciary ."

Zobaie added that " the time limit will be open to the judiciary to resolve appeals from political entities on the results of the elections."

Sadrists , Supreme Islamic Council , Motahedoun , al- Arabiya bloc , National Democratic Movement have doubted the victory of State of Law coalition led by al-Maliki the election results announced by IHEC last week .

Maliki seek to hold office for a third term after State of law coalition came in the first place in the elections that took place on 30th of last April with 93 seats, but it needs more than 70 seats to achieve a majority that will allow it to form a government .

The major Sunni , Shiites and Kurds bloc opposes Maliki's efforts , which will open the door to tough negotiations and perhaps drag on for months for the birth of the government in the country that complain from exacerbated violence and political disputes .