2020-07-19 16:20:15

Shafaq News / Iraq and Iran held today, Sunday, "intensive" talks on cooperation in railway, electricity, trade, investment projects, and ways to combat the novel Coronavirus pandemic.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement received to Shafaq News agency, "The Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein received, today, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif," indicating that the two sides held, "intensive discussions regarding the development of relations between the two countries and ways to advance the tracks of bilateral cooperation."

The Iraqi minister praised, "the close historical relations, cooperation and unity of visions that bind the two countries," stressing his keenness to strengthen and consolidate cooperation with Tehran in various fields, in a way that benefits the interests of the two nations.

The two sides discussed, according to the statement, "diversification and strengthening of frameworks of cooperation in various fields, including infrastructure projects," referring to the study of, "rail linkage, electricity, trade, investment and confronting the pandemic."

They also referred to, "the latest regional developments of mutual concern, the importance of concerted efforts to face challenges, to strengthen regional security and stability, and the importance of undermining external interventions."

For his part, Zarif praised the strategic path of bilateral relations between the two countries, stressing that his country, "supports the unity and sovereignty of Iraq," expressing his country's aspiration to develop cooperation at various levels, especially at present, as the region witnesses successive challenges that necessitate concerted efforts to prevent foreign interference and intensify coordination.
Zarif arrived, on Sunday morning, at the head of a political delegation in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, to hold talks with senior Iraqi officials.

Zarif will also visit Kurdistan Region and meet with senior officials there, the Kurdish leader, President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, the President of the region Nechirvan Barzani and Prime Minister Masrour Barzani.