2020-07-06 22:22:55

Shafaq News / The United Nations and the EU Advisory Mission in Iraq condemned, on Monday, the assassination of the expert on armed groups, Hisham al-Hashemi.

"We were shocked by the assassination of Dr. Al Hashemi," the UN Special Representative in Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, said in a statement received by to Shafaq News agency.

“We strongly condemn this despicable and cowardly act,  Our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones, she added, and Calling on the government to "quickly identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice".

In a tweet, the mission said, "We share the family and friends of Dr. Hisham Al Hashemi in grief over his death, the perpetrators of this heinous crime must be brought to justice".

For his part, British Ambassador Stephen Hickey tweeted, “it hurt me to hear about the death of al-Hashemi, Iraq lost a brave thinker men."

He added, “attacks cannot continue, and the Iraqi government, with the support of the international community, must hold the perpetrators accountable," he said.

Earlier, today Monday, an armed group in two motorbikes shot fire at Al-Hashemi outside his home, in Zayouna neighborhood/ Baghdad and died shortly thereafter.


Hisham al-Hashimi, is 47 years old, an expert on armed groups; He is also a writer of many strategic studies.