2020-04-04 11:12:23

Shafaq News / Iranian official Mehr News Agency revealed on Saturday the first visit of the commander of Quds Force Brigadier General Ismail Qaani to Baghdad since the killing of the prominent Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

The agency said in the news today, that this visit reaffirmed Iran's supportive stance in Iraq in its fight against terrorism and adherence to the policy of uniting ranks against America.

The agency stated in the news today that it sent Brigadier Ismail Qaani through his visit to Iraq on 1/4/2020, and in such circumstances - multiple messages and achieved important goals, including:

  1. A message to America after its military moves and movements, polls and evacuation of some sites, including the American embassy in the capital, Baghdad, stating that Iran is ready to defend Iraq if these moves are made as an introduction while the Americans were able to take the military coup decision or carry out assassinations and others.
  2. A second message to America is that the withdrawal that occurred from some American bases occurred only because of the resistance, and Qaani ‘s visit was a declaration of victory over the American bases and forces, and also for the moral support of the resistance.
  3. The third message to America is that Iran has not succumbed to itself and left the Iraqi ally a prey in the hands of the United States of America , especially after the martyrdom of Hajj "Qassem Soleimani".
  4. Qaani’s visit ended the American saying that “Iran after Qassem Soleimani” cannot continue in the same approach, but still, and it will continue to demarcate the revolutionary line and liberation approach, because it is not an existing line and an approach related to one person, but rather a revolutionary line adopted by the Islamic state, and finds its ideological existence in it, and the presence and future of Islam and the resistance as well, especially that the region is on the verge of variables, and there will be the presence of multiple forces such as China, Russians and America, it is normal that Iran and with it the resistance maintain the presence of Muslims in the region, and preserve their interests from the heart of Tehran to Baghdad, then to the shores of the Mediterranean, and that any retreat would cause these poles to map their divisions for the region, without the Muslims having a decision, as happened in the San Remo Treaty and the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
  5. His visit is not without a message to the Gulf states (Persian) to prevent them from passing their plots in Iraq.
  6. And letters to the West and America in response to Pompeo's statement, US Secretary of State “that Iran after the martyr Qassem Soleimani will retreat within the Iranian geography as the Iranian message here is that the revolutionary approach works to refute this statement by making the map Islamic, extending to all liberating spaces.

Observers believe that the efforts of Brigadier General Qaani are aimed at unifying the Shiite house, activating dialogue, finding exits from the crisis and breaking up conflicts, and activating constitutional formulas that restore Shi’ite prestige in the position of prime minister, but without Iranian interference, the decision is for Iraqi political leaders, while the Iraqi crisis does not work with it, mediation and promising, in light of the accumulated complications and contracts don’t work , any solution is a kind of expectation, according to the agency.