2020-05-20 08:33:20

Shafaq News/ After years of increasing tensions that nearly led to war, Iran has moderated its approach to the West, shifting from a policy of provocation to one of limited cooperation. The change reflects an effort to avoid direct confrontation with the United States that the Iranians say could benefit President Trump in the November election.

Nowhere is the shift more evident than in Iraq, where Iran has backed a pro-American prime minister and ordered its proxy militias to cease their rocket attacks on American forces.According to New York Times Newspaper.

The Americans, while publicly dismissive of any change in Iranian posture, have quietly reciprocated in modest and indirect ways.

Taken together, the openings represent an incipient détente that, even if it does not last or lead to the end of hostilities between Iran and the United States, has already lowered the temperature of the relationship, reducing the risk of open conflict.

The report notes that "Iran, after years of tensions that almost ignited the war, eased its approach towards the West and moved from a policy of provocation to a policy of limited cooperation."

This change reflects Iran's attempt to avoid direct confrontation with the United States, which the Iranians say, according to the newspaper, may benefit US President Donald Trump in the November presidential election.

The newspaper believes that the Americans met this change in Iran's behavior calmly and indirectly, although they refuse to publicly acknowledge any change in the Iranian position.

The newspaper's report concludes that these beginnings are generally a first breakthrough, even if it does not continue or lead to an end to hostilities between Iran and the United States, it has already reduced the tension in the relationship, reducing the risk of open conflict.

The newspaper points out that after months of hit-and-run attacks on American forces in Iraq that pushed the United States and Iran to the brink of war in January, Tehran halted the activities of armed factions loyal to it and the attacks largely stopped.

The newspaper points out that Tehran is not opposed to taking over the "American-backed" Iraqi Prime Minister.

It quoted an Iraqi politician who asked not to be identified as saying that Iran "exaggerated playing cards - in Lebanon and in Syria, and then the fall demonstrations came - and the fact that the Shiites demonstrated against Iran shook Iranian officials."

Iran did not accept Mr. Al-Kadhimi, the American option, as the newspaper put it, but pressed its allied parties in Iraq to support it.

Western officials saw this as a victory, according to the New York Times.