2014-05-25 06:43:22
who are working in a project to build a gas pipeline in Diyala province.

10 were casualties in an explosion targeted the convoy of Iranian company northeast of Baquba on Saturday ; while Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant organization " Daash " has claimed the responsibility for the attack.

The spokeswoman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry , Marthiya Fakhem said in a statement followed by " Shafaq News " , that "extending gas pipeline from Iran to Iraq aims to provide electricity to the Iraqi citizens and industrial plants in this country ," indicating that "the perpetrators of this crime deliberately hindered the economic development in Iraq . "

She paid condolence” to the families of the martyrs of this criminal incident, wishing “a speedy recovery for the wounded people ."

She called on "the Iraqi government to ensure the security of Iranians in Iraq and make every effort to prosecute the perpetrators of this inhuman crime ."