2020-07-08 14:54:55

Shafaq News / the editor-in-chief of Iran's Arabic-language newspaper Al-Wifaq expert Mousib Naimi said, On Wednesday that "USA and Israel are the main accused in the assassination of security expert Hisham Al-Hashimi.

 Iranian official news agency (IRNA) quoted Naimi as saying "the Israeli and US intelligence agencies do not only assassinate their opponents. It was not unprecedented for them to do such acts aimed at provoking tensions and disagreements in the region.”

He added that ", ISIS statement in which it adopted this assassination is suspicious due to its  nature indicating that this killing could not have been done by them, noting that this issue has become a source of concern For Iraq. "


Naimi continued: "Iran condemned this incident in an official statement, and after that the minds turned to new defendants such as the United States and the Israel, where they have not yet taken any position in this regard".


"Some people have accused the Iraqi forces، while his assassination is not good neither to the military nor Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi". He added.