2020-07-19 11:52:32

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi met on Sunday with the Iranian Minister of Foreign affairs, Mohammad Javad Zarif.

According to the official Iranian news agency (IRNA), the meeting was attended by his country's ambassador to Baghdad, Iraj Masjidi, as the two sides discussed bilateral relations and ways of developing them.

Al-Kadhimi and Zarif touched upon the latest regional and global changes and the situation in Iraq, according to the agency.

Zarif arrived today, Sunday, heading a political delegation, in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, for talks with senior Iraqi officials.

Zarif will also visit the region of Kurdistan and meet with senior officials there, the Kurdish leader, the President of Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, the President of the region, Nechirvan Barzani and the Prime Minister Masrour Barzani.