2014-01-23 11:49:50

The ministry’s’ spokesman , Haidar al-Saadi said in an e-mail received by “Shafaq News " , quoting Minister of Justice , Hassan al-Shammari that " the death sentence was carried out today on 11 convicted on terrorist issues ."

He added that "the numbers of convicts who have carried out their death sentence this week are 37convicts."

Today anyone who kill and prove of their belonging to armed groups face the death penalty in accordance with Article IV , which is related to the fight against terrorism , in the Iraqi constitution .

Amnesty International said earlier that using the death penalty in Iraq has reached its highest level since the overthrow of former President Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Iraq had been ranked the third in the world in executions , according to reports of human rights organizations involved in fight against the death penalty.