2020-03-19 12:16:48

Shafaq News / The Security Information Cell announced that the Iraqi forces have received Al-Qaim military base in Anbar Governorate, after the withdrawal of the international coalition forces.

A statement by the cell stated that the Iraqi forces also received all military equipment from the international coalition after its withdrawal.

The international coalition led by the United States announced relocating hundreds of its forces stationed in Iraqi military bases, hours after a new missile attack targeting an Iraqi base that has deployed foreign forces, which is the 24 attack in less than six months.

"The coalition is repositioning forces from a small number of small bases," said International Alliance spokesman, Miles Caggins.

A coalition official said the first redeployment was on Tuesday in Qaim from the western base along the border with Syria.

Some of the forces have already been repositioned to coalition sites in neighboring Syria, which is experiencing a conflict, as well as artillery, while others will be sent to other bases in Iraq or Kuwait.

The official denied that the redeployment was in response to the escalation of missile attacks last week, which targeted foreign forces stationed throughout Iraq.

In addition to Qaim, the forces will be withdrawn from Qayyara and Kirkuk bases in northern Iraq by the end of next April.

Although Qaim base was not subjected to rocket attacks, Qayyara and Kirkuk bases have been heavily attacked in recent months.

Iraqi forces continue to carry out operations with coalition forces against "ISIS" militants, despite the Iraqi parliament's vote to withdraw 5,200 American soldiers from the country after the killing of the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and deputy chief of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in a U.S. raid near Baghdad airport.