2020-06-09 19:54:23

Shafaq News / Iraqi Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, urged on the international community, on Tuesday, to secure sustainable funding to fight Covid-19 for countries that are hosting refugees.

This statement came in his participation in the international conference on the situation of refugees and displaced people during Covid-19 pandemic held online on Tuesday.

Hussein asked, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to "coordinate efforts and find sustainable financing to meet the challenges associated with Covid-19, for countries hosting refugees and displaced people, especially Iraq, that is facing a drop in oil prices".

He pointed that, "The government pledges to use all the capabilities of the state to combat the pandemic and puts the protection of migrants, internally displaced people and refugees in camps and shelters as a top priority".

"it is necessary for the United Nations agencies to maintain the current level of flexibility in order to enable them to fulfill their obligations and provide advice and assistance to the government and people of Iraq, especially in managing these dangerous and contagious diseases, as well as the social and economic issues that affect the lives of the vulnerable population in camps and shelters".

He noted that, "solidarity between the vulnerable countries and the unity of the international community are crucial, because the virus is a global health crisis. Therefore, the response must be global - also - through effective international cooperation," and asked the community to embrace the, "spirit of humanity in the struggle against the pandemic, and not to look for investments and profits".

Hussein expressed gratitude to all the United Nations agencies, donors that work with the central government in Iraq and Kurdistan Regional Government to support the improvement of health facilities and staff capabilities; To ensure that people are receiving appropriate medical care in camps and shelters.

According to the ministry, the internally displaced population amounts to 1414,632; while the numbers of people who sought refuge from Syria and other countries are 247,568 and 41,237 respectively.
This conference was organized by Antalya Diplomatic Forum in coordination with the International Center for Migration and Development Policy; To initiate a dialogue between the countries involved and identify the impact of the pandemic on refugees and displaced people.
Iraq, in addition to Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, a representative of the European Union, the High Commissioner for Refugees, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria and the Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization all attended this webinar.