2014-02-25 11:43:05


According to documents seen by “Shafaq News “after being published by Reuters “ Iran and Iraq have violated the international ban on sales of Tehran , through an arms deal worth 195 million dollars”.

“ Yes, we have conducted an arms deal with Iran , Iraq has the right to diversify the sources of its weapons,” The head of the security and defense committee Hassan al- Sinead told “Shafaq News ".

Sinead declined to detect hthe time of concluding the deal worth 195 million dollars .

The documents show that the agreement was concluded at the end of last November after just a few weeks of the return of Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki from Washington, where he requested additional weapons from the administration of President , Barack Obama to fight al-Qaeda militants .

Till now , an official position of the Iranian government have not been shown about an arm deal with Iraq .