2020-06-09 20:01:27

Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee ruled out, today, the presence of a successor to the former ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, considering spreading such rumors is an attempt to blackout the defeat of the organization.
Committee member Abbas Sarout told Shafaq News agency that, "ISIS defeat in all Iraqi provinces prompted the them to resort to media to give a life kiss to the organization", noting that among these methods the presence of a leader of the organization," as Al-Baghdadi in Iraq".

He added that, "ISIS, after each defeat, resorts to new methods and plans, including announcing the presence of successors in Iraq other countries," considering that, "ISIS's new plans are rumors that are far from reality."

He called for, "activating intelligence plans and intensifying air strikes, as ISIS has become separate gangs; not a striking force, neither influential organization nor a major threat to the security".

Media and security reports mentioned that a new leader of ISIS will replace the former leader of the organization, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who was killed in a US airstrike in October 2019.

On May 20, the Iraqi intelligence service announced arresting a terrorist named "Nasser Al-Qirdash" who is claimed to be "the successor to the leader of ISIS."