2020-06-02 14:28:51

Shafaq News / A terrorist had received a billion-dinar loan from the official authorities, while that same terrorist blew himself up later as financing " terrorism and terrorists in Iraq is taking place "through the Iraqi state,” Iraqi Parliament member , Basem Khashan revealed on Tuesday.

"The Iraqi state funds terrorism and terrorists in different ways, including the currency auction,” Khashan told Shafaq News Agency.

"One of the large agricultural loans was submitted to a terrorist who blew himself up, and the loan exceeded one billion dinars," noting that the loan was "made through fake real estate guarantees."

"Terrorism and terrorists are funded by the Iraqi government and its banks, and it is not excluded that a large number of Iraqi officials know about it,” Khashan added.

On the other hand, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Majida Al-Tamimi said on Monday, in a televised meeting that her research in the Iraqi currency auction led her to shocking results, represented by the arrival of funds from auctions to terrorist groups, as well as another part going to Iraqi political parties pockets.

The Integrity Commission disclosed last December details of the criminal and intelligence cases related to the file (currency auction) that it is investigating, indicating that it has opened 8 criminal cases.

The Investigation Department of the Commission noted that (6) of these cases were referred to the trial court and other investigation courts, as well as a case that was previously decided upon, and another that is still under investigation, explaining that among these cases are major corruption cases in the work of a private bank and indicators of smuggling foreign currency outside Iraq through the bank's purchase of foreign currency for the benefit of companies claiming to import goods, pointing out that, upon investigation and scrutiny, it was found that those companies had not introduced goods to Iraq since 2004.

The Commission had announced that it had completed several criminal cases that it had investigated, which resulted in the imposition of fines amounting to more than 245 billion dinars on private banks; the result of legal violations regarding the two-year permits only, and the violation of the foreign currency auction instructions for 2012