2014-01-04 11:33:34


Officials in the U.S. administration said in a statement briefed by "Shafaq News", that “ the United States is closely following the developments in Iraq's Anbar province , and stressed that they are communicating with Iraqi leaders to resolve their differences and focus on the " common enemy " of al-Qaeda .

Press that reports said that Washington has announced that it has recently handed over a consignment of missiles to Iraq , known as " Hellfire " , as it is in the process of delivering a number of unmanned reconnaissance aircrafts , as part of its commitment to strengthening the capacity of Iraq in countering the threat of al-Qaeda .

Combat troops backed by air support have launched since days a large-scale military operation in the desert areas of Anbar, an extension of the Jordanian - Syrian border against the strongholds of the organization after the death of a number of military commanders.

Anbar province has witnessed tensed security and political conditions on the background of the Iraqi forces implementation of an expanded military campaign to hunt down al -Qaeda fighters in the deserts , followed by the arrest of MP Ahmed al-Alwani in Anbar and lifting the tents of the protesters that have been there since more than a year .