2020-07-05 14:45:45

Shafaq News/ The head of the local crisis cell in Basra, the governor, Assaad Abdul Amir Al-Eidani, announced on Sunday, the arrival of the second batch of oxygen cylinders, from Iran through Chemchemal border crossing.

Al-Eidani said in a statement received to Shafaq News agency, that this batch contains 600 hundred cylinders. The previous batch contained 500 cylinder, while the total number of cylinders to be imported is 4000 cylinders.

For his part, Hakim Al-Mayahi, a member of the local crisis cell in Basra, said this batch will be distributed to hospitals, as directed by the head of the crisis cell in Basra.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi provinces complain of a lack of oxygen supplement devices due to the increasing numbers of Covid-19 patients.