2020-05-24 20:11:03

Shafaq News / Iraqi Health Ministry recorded on Sunday, 197 new infections with Corona virus across the country, including 8 deaths, 153 recoveries from the disease that spread in Iraq since last March, causing more than 4000 infections.

In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, the Ministry stated that 6503 samples were tested in all specialized laboratories in Iraq today, thus the total number of samples tested since the beginning of the disease registration in Iraq is (1886885).

The Ministry of Health and Environment laboratories recorded (197) infections in Iraq distributed as follows: Baghdad / 134, Medical City (Hospital): 6, Basra: 5, Sulaymaniyah: 8, Erbil: 8, Duhok: 6, Diyala: 1, Karbala: 18, Al-Diwaniyah: 3, Maysan: 1, Babel: 1, Dhi Qar: 4, Salahuddin:2.

It also diagnosed 153 recoveries.

Iraqi Health also recorded 8 deaths , 7 in Baghdad and one case in Wasit.

Thus, the total number of infections recorded throughout Iraq is 4469, 160 deaths, while the total number of recovery cases is 2738 and the total cases under treatment is 1571.